MHYC Resources
Content Directory:
Section 3: Understanding and Addressing Microaggressions and Implicit Bias
Section 4: Liberation and Leadership: Unleashing Potential
Section 5: Roots of Stewardship: Embracing Indigenous Wisdom
Understanding and Fostering Belonging
To explore the concept of belonging and identify barriers that prevent a sense of belonging within the team.
"Can you share a time when you felt a strong sense of belonging to a team or group? What factors contributed to that feeling?"
“Reflect on times you've felt disconnected or out of place. Is there a recurring pattern?”
Identify common barriers to belonging they have observed or experienced.
Click to Download Facilitation Guide-Belonging/Trust Building/ Addressing Microaggressions
Trust Building / Skill building
Enhance practical skills for intentionally creating a supportive and inclusive environment, with a focus on empathy, active listening, and responding without judgment.
Group Activity: Empathy Circle
Sharing and Listening:
Question: "A time when you felt truly heard" or "An instance where you felt left out and why."
Understanding and Addressing Microaggressions and Implicit Bias
To deepen understanding of microaggressions and implicit bias, explore their impact within the team, and develop actionable strategies to address these issues in the workplace.
Questions: "Can you think of a time when you experienced, witnessed or unintentionally perpetuated a microaggression? How did you respond? What impact did it have on you in the moment and longer-term?”
“Who is in My Circle" Activity
Did you notice any patterns?
If yes, why do you think these patterns exist?
How do you think these patterns impact how you interact with others?
Click to download Tips for Responding to Microaggressions
"Who's In My Circle" Activity
This part of the podcast series dives into the philosophy of liberational leadership, urging listeners to redefine their roles within their teams and organizations. It challenges traditional norms and encourages a profound personal and collective shift towards empowerment, creativity, and sustainable success. explore the concept of belonging and identify barriers that prevent a sense of belonging within the team.
Learning Objectives:​
Embrace Liberational Leadership: Understand the transformative power of liberational leadership, which prioritizes personal growth and empowerment over traditional hierarchical models.
Identify and Overcome Mental Traps: Learn to identify and move beyond mental and behavioral patterns that limit potential, such as groupthink and survival mindsets.
Foster a Thriving Workplace: Explore strategies to transition from merely surviving to thriving within the organization, fostering a culture of abundance and growth.
Liberation and Leadership: Unleashing Potential
Click to Download Liberation and Leadership Facilitation Guide
Roots of Stewardship: Embracing Indigenous Wisdom
This part of the podcast series dives into the philosophy of liberational leadership, urging listeners to redefine their roles within their teams and organizations. It challenges traditional norms and encourages a profound personal and collective shift towards empowerment, creativity, and sustainable success. explore the concept of belonging and identify barriers that prevent a sense of belonging within the team.
Learning Objectives:​​
Embrace Liberational Leadership: Understand the transformative power of liberational leadership, which prioritizes personal growth and empowerment over traditional hierarchical models.
Identify and Overcome Mental Traps: Learn to identify and move beyond mental and behavioral patterns that limit potential, such as groupthink and survival mindsets.
Foster a Thriving Workplace: Explore strategies to transition from merely surviving to thriving within the organization, fostering a culture of abundance and growth.